lunes, 22 de octubre de 2007


Business has a mad crush on collaboration — witness the billions spent on social networking sites, or all the hype around “collaboration studies.” But beneath all the flirtation, business needs

to remain the boss. As long as the process of collaboration is controlled and monetized, the relationship will always be one of forced cooperation. This book argues for Free Cooperation — an alternative way of doing things together, from parenting and the workplace to event organization and cultural production. Brian Holmes, Howard Rheingold, Christoph Spehr and the editors critique the dominant methods of socio-economic integration, and elaborate a practical alternative, one that promises to surmount both the problems of inequality and the lack of independence in daily life. The Art of Free Cooperation includes a DVD with a feature-length film collage, narrated by Tony Conrad, illustrating the principles of Free Cooperation through the visual language of science fiction movies, additional texts, interviews and highlights from the international “Free Cooperation” conference, organized by the editors, that led to this book. What they're saying about The Art of Free Cooperation: If capitalism is a vampire that feeds off living labor, what’s living labor anyway? This book provides a powerful answer: collective creativity. Yet somehow, as the authors note, no one ever studies collective creativity as a thing itself. If there was ever a book that deserves to kick off an entire literature, this is it.
— David Graeber, author of Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value In coupling two troubled words together, Lovink and Scholz open up a whole new terrain for reality hacking. Under this banner they have assembled a top mob who make their own rules and show you how to live by your own rules too. Essential reading for all the artists of making the impossible possible.
—McKenzie Wark, author of A Hacker Manifesto and Gamer Theory The Art of Free Cooperation explores viable alternatives to forced collaborations under the over-arching principle of competition proper to neo-liberal regimes. The irreducible sociality of economic production opens up the possibility of redesigning the social here and now, through an experimental practice which cannot wait for the day after the revolution.
Reinvigorating reading for those who dream (and practice) advanced exit strategies from the false choice between twentieth-century State-socialism and free market economics.
—Tiziana Terranova, author of Network Culture: Politics for the Digital Age

  • ESTETICA RELACIONAL, Bourriaud, Nicolás. Adriana Hidalgo Ed. 2006

  • POSTPRODUCCIÓN, Bourriaud, Nicolás, Adriana Hidalgo, Ed.


  • Imagen-imaginario interdisciplinariedad de la imagen artística / Autores: Fernanda García Gil coord. por Fernanda García Gil, Miguel Peña Méndez, 2006, ISBN 84-338-3826-1 , pags. 69-76

  • El documento videográfico: rematerialización e intertextualidad. Autores: Francisco Suárez García Localización: Plástica, imagen y educación : cursos I, II, III y IV / coord. por Esteban Tranche Fernández, 1996, ISBN 84-7719-541-2 , pags. 133-139

  • Desvíos de lo real. El cine de no ficción. Antonio WEINRICHTER. Editor T&B EDITORES. ISBN-13 9788495602633. ISBN 8495602636

  • La forma que piensa. Tentativas en torno al cine-ensayo. Antonio WEINRICHTER. Desmontaje, film, vídeo/Apropiación, reciclaje. Juan Guardiola (coord.). 1993D.L.V.741-1993.ISBN:84-482-0131-0. Editorial:IVAM/MNCARS/ARTELEKU/CGAI/KWWVF.
  • El animal público.- Delgado, Manuel (1999) Barcelona: Anagrama.
  • Guerra, Carles (2003) Després de la notícia. Documentals postmèdia. Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona i Diputació de Barcelona. [Texto en catalán, castellano e inglés].
  • La representación de la realidad. Cuestiones y conceptos sobre el documental. Nichols, Bill (1997 [1991]). Barcelona: Paidós.
  • "La política de la verdad. Documentalismo en el ámbito artístico" en 'Ficcions' documentals. Steyerl, Hito (2004) Págs. 22-22. Barcelona: Caixaforum. [Texto en catalán, castellano e inglés]
  • Creación colectiva. Casacuberta, David (2003) .En Internet el creador es el público. Barcelona: Gedisa.
  • Techniques of the Observer. On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Crary, Jonathan. (1999) Cambridge, MA y Londres: MIT Press. (1ªed. 1992).
  • Digital Aesthetics. Cubitt, Sean (1998) Londres: SAGE.

  • Velocidad de escape. La cibercultura en el final del siglo. Dery, Mark (1998) Madrid: Siruela.
  • "Manifiesto para cyborgs: ciencia, tecnología y feminismo socialista a finales del siglo XX". En Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La reinvención de la naturaleza. Haraway, Donna (1995) Madrid: Cátedra. (pp. 251-311). (1ª ed. 1991)

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