lunes, 22 de octubre de 2007

People Like Us

People Like Us and Vicki Bennett.

For 16 years Vicki Bennett has been making CDs, radio, and A/V multimedia under the name People Like Us. Ever since she has been animating and recontextualising found footage collages with an equally witty and dark view of popular culture with a surrealistic edge, both pre-recorded and in a live setting. Vicki has shown work at, amongst others, Tate Modern, The National Film Theatre, Purcell Room, The ICA, Sydney Opera House, Pompidou Centre, Sonar in Barcelona and The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. She has also performed radio sessions for BBC's John Peel, Mixing It, and also CBC, KPFA and does a regular radio show on WFMU.
Vicki just made a video triptych "Work, Rest & Play" (commissioned by Lovebytes) and released an album, "Perpetuum Mobile" with Ergo Phizmiz. She has just completed "Trying Things Out ", a film initiated in residency at the BBC Creative Archive and has been commissioned to make a new film entitled "Skew Gardens".


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Què divertido!!!!!
me encanta esta tia!es unas risas!
desde su pagina web entrando en el enlace de downloads te puedes descargar los temas de esta recicladorea de sonidos!
yo ya tengo una par de discos!
...he conseguido las melodias perfectas para silbar todas las mañanas mientras se hace el cafe,o cuando voy a comprar el pan, o cuando bajo en la 014,o cuando...
eso sì ....combiene (como con todo) no abusar: corres el riesgo de quedarte lelo/a.

Para no perderselo!

PD: las fotitos del blog tambièn son la caña...
