domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007

The National Film Preservation Foundation (NFPF)

The National Film Preservation Foundation (NFPF) is the nonprofit organization created by the U.S. Congress to help save America's film heritage. We support activities nationwide that preserve American films and improve film access for study, education, and exhibition. The NFPF started operations in November 1997, thanks to the generous support of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and The Film Foundation. Many in the entertainment and foundation community have pitched in to help. Our top priority is saving American films that would be unlikely to survive without public support. Over the past eight years, we have developed grant programs to help libraries, museums, and archives preserve films and make them available for study and research. Our grants award federal funds secured through the leadership of the Library of Congress and preservation services donated by public-spirited laboratories and post-production houses. We also organize, obtain funding, and manage cooperative projects that enable film archives—large and small—to work together on national preservation initiatives. Published through these collaborations are the first-ever DVD set of film treasures preserved by Americans archives (2000), a new critically acclaimed 3-DVD box set of films from the first four decades of the motion picture, The Film Preservation Guide: The Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums (2004), and the international database for locating silent films. In the fall of 2005 we will begin work on The Industrial and Institutional Films: A Field Guide.

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